About Us

Faculty Research Group (FRG)

Collaborative faculty fellowship supporting one another in academic scholarship

The Faculty Research Group (FRG) is a collaborative fellowship of collegiate faculty members who are actively involved in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The goal of FRG is to support fellowship through Boyer’s Model of Scholarship, by collaborating in research, publication and active involvement in the progression of online teaching.

Currently there are over 200 FRG members with a number of projects underway to assess various aspects of online collegiate learning as well as the broader infrastructure and issues related to higher education.

What makes FRG unique is that the organization is populated by volunteer faculty who all share a passion for improving higher education through research and assessment. The group itself is evolving as the membership grows. Processes and structure are established and modified based on the needs of the group. Therefore, the FRG is, in and of itself, a developing research project.

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